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~~The Inuyasha DVD Guide~~

Volume # Volume Name 1st Episode on DVD 2nd Episode on DVD 3rd Episode on DVD
1Down the Wellep. 1 The Girl Who Overcame Timeep. 2 Seekers of The Sacred Jewelep. 3 Down The Rabbit Hole and Back Again
2Girl's Best Friendep. 4 Yura of the Demon-Hairep. 5 Aristocratic Assassin, Sesshomaruep. 6 Tetsusaiga, The Phantom Sword
3Fathers and Sonsep. 7 Showdown! Inuyasha vs. Sesshomaruep. 8 The Toad Who Would Be Princeep. 9 Shippo and The Thunder Brothers
4Thunder Brothersep. 10 Phantom Showdown! Tetsusaiga vs. The Thunder Brothersep. 11 Terror of the Ancient Noh Maskep. 12 The Soul Piper and the Mischievous Little Soul
5Secret of the New Moonep. 13 Mystery of the New Moon and the Black Haired Inuyashaep. 14 Kikyo's Stolen Ashesep. 15 Return of the Tragic Priestess Kikyo
6Deadly Liasonep. 16 Mystical Hand of the Amorous Monk, Mirokuep. 17 The Cursed Ink of the Hell-Painterep. 18 Naraku and Sesshomaru Join Forces
7Secrets of the Pastep. 19 Go Back to Your Own Time, Kagome!ep. 20 Despicable Villain! The Mystery of Onigumoep. 21 Naraku's true Identity Unveiled
8Kikyo's Wandering Soulep. 22 The Soul of Kikyoep. 23 Kagome's Voice and Kikyo's Kissep. 24 Enter Sango, The Demon Slayer
9Origin of the Sacred Jewelep. 25 Naraku's Insidious Plotep. 26 Secret of the Jewl of Four Souls: Revealedep. 27 Lake of the Evil Water God
10Scars of Battleep. 28 Miroku Falls Into A Dangerous Trapep. 29 Sango's Suffering and Kohaku's Lifeep. 30 Tetsusaiga is Stolen! Showdown at Naraku's Castle
11Into the Miasmaep. 31 Jinenji, Kind yet Sadep. 32 Kikyo & Inuyasha, Into the Miasmaep. 33 Kikyo, Captured by Naraku
12Sword of Destinyep. 34 Tetsusaiga and Tensaigaep. 35 The True Master Chosen By the Noted Swordep. 36 Kagome Kidnapped by the Wolf-Demon, Koga
13Den of Wolvesep. 37 The Man Who Fell In Love With Kagomeep. 38 Two Hearts, One Mindep. 39 Trapped In a Deul to the Death
14Wind & Voidep. 40 Deadly Trap of the Wind Sorceress, Kaguraep. 41 Kagura's Dance and Kanna's Mirrorep. 42 The Wind Scar Defeated
15Broken Fangep. 43 Tetsusaiga Breaksep. 44 Kaijinbo's Evil Swordep. 45 Sesshomaru Wields Tokijin
16Heart of Beastep. 46 Juromaru and Kagaromaruep. 47 Onigumo's Heart Still Beats Within Narakuep. 48 Return to the Place Where We First Met
17Shattered Memoriesep. 49 Kohaku's Lost Memoriesep. 50 The Face that Can't be Forgottonep. 51 Inuyasha's Devoured Soul
18Demon Withinep. 52 The Unstoppable Demon Withinep. 53 Father's Old Enemy, Ryukotsuseiep. 54 The Backlash Wave, Tetsusaiga's Ultimate Technique
19Way To Wisdomep. 55 The Stone Flower and Shippo's First Loveep. 56 Temptress In the Mistep. 57 Fateful Night in Togenkyo, Part One

These are the DVDs that have been released in the US so it might not be the same for the Canadians, sorry dudes i don't live in Canada so if its not the same there oh well.

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